Effective real-time management relies on the right data to gauge compliance and clear processes for acting as you see changes. Implementing a clear process for handling adherence issues isn’t something you want to leave to your workforce management team; it’s the responsibility of operations. It will allow you to base your future staffing and forecasting decisions on data, not assumptions and optimism.
Improving real-time management can reduce operational costs by reducing the need to purchase additional agents. It also improves customer satisfaction by ensuring that customers do not face long wait times to get support. Burnout among support staff can be minimized by addressing issues promptly. This will also help customers save time later on when they are complaining about their experience.
It is essential that someone is designated to monitor the realtime management tool during the day. This can be a person who is committed to this job or a team member who rotates the responsibility http://www.vdr-software.info/cash-vs-stock-acquisition/ or a task included into the job description. It is vital that the task gets done and is an integral part of the daily routine.
It’s essential to ensure that everyone is familiar with the new system and to make sure they know how it will benefit them. The process of soliciting feedback from your employees will help you understand how they’re adapting to change. This will give you a chance to address any concerns.