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Board portals for meetings are technology that streamlines meeting-management processes. Contrary to early software that offered access to the board books modern portals provide more functions. When you're trying out demos from different portal vendors, you want to have a list of questions you should ask.

What are the main attributes of a board portal?

Board portals let you create and distribute agendas with the necessary documents. Portals make it easy to keep track of voting, resolutions and action items.

During the meeting, the board can discuss and collaborate on documents in real-time on any device or platform. Portals that prioritize safety can provide eSignatures to speed up document signatures, preventing sensitive information from falling into the hands of incorrect people.

The site automatically generates minutes of meetings, removing the requirement for secretaries to take notes during the meeting. This lets your board concentrate on strategic issues and less time dealing with administrative tasks.

Whether you're considering adopting an entirely new portal for your board or upgrading your existing one, make sure you know how easy the software is to use. Board members are busy and don't have the time to spend time figuring out a new system. Find features that can help them get used to it, such as how-to video or FAQs, remote learning sessions and a single contact for technical support. Be aware of how the pricing structure of your vendor is a good fit into your organization's budget.