Board governance tools facilitate information sharing and collaboration between board members that allow for better decision-making that supports the growth of an organization. These tools allow for the automation of meetings, streamline the preparation of agendas as well as books for the board and offer a secure digital platform where boards can collaborate on documents and cast votes in real-time. They can also help to ensure that governance guidelines are followed which can reduce paper use and eliminate the need for meetings that require physical presence.

However, not all devices have the same features and some are more costly than others. It is recommended to look at features and pricing strategies prior to choosing one. To maximize ROI, consider buying a product that provides a free trial or discounted pilot deployment. This allows you to accurately evaluate the efficiency and productivity gains prior to committing to the long-term commitment.

Aprio - Aprio is a full-featured board management software that enables efficient committee and board workflows. It provides a secure digital platform that allows users to access and share all important documents, including bylaws, financial statements and other policy documents they require to hold meetings. It also permits board members to sign contracts, non-disclosure agreements and resolutions by eSignature. It also provides AI-driven analytics to help better decision-making and identify trends and risks within the organization.

Board members need the right tools to complete their work. This allows them to fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities and help guide their organization towards long-term sustainability. The use of a paper-based system or an online tool that is not specifically designed for board management could result in inefficiencies, poor communications and disengaged board members. Fortunately, today's market is brimming with a wide selection of new tools specifically designed to make managing boards more efficient and easier.