Recording minutes of board meetings is vital to keep the record of what the board has accomplished. Minutes should contain details of the discussions and decisions made and also action items and resolutions.

A board secretary should make sure that the minutes are taken in a timely manner and impartially. To protect the organization against any potential lawsuits, even if the board is discussing controversial topics an objective and factual account is essential.

The draft minutes of the meeting must be distributed to all directors for review and correction before being approved by the chair. A second draft that has been approved by the chair, can be distributed to directors who would like to conduct any additional work before making the final minutes.

It's also crucial to include the attendance of each director at the meeting, in addition to those who attend but aren't involved in decision-making. This ensures that any discordant comments aren't overlooked or forgotten.

When it comes to an agenda item take note of the order in which it was addressed. This will allow you to monitor any changes that occur at a subsequent meeting.

It is essential to bring all the materials you require to the meeting since you will be the person accountable for taking notes. Bring pen, notebook power cable, notebook, and a pen. It is also recommended to have another backup device in case your primary device fails or your pen isn't working.